The epicenter of the earthquake is located in MAULE, very near to the Concepcion city.
Earthquake or TERREMOTO (as they name it in Chile) is always a terrible news but this time the further problem is that it is of a very high magnitude (8.8) and it can create a terrible Tsunami, a big wave coming from the ocean that can furtherly destroy every thing on this coasts sides Chile.
This is a list of associations where you can send your help and money for Chile tsunami earthquake victims:
Catholic Relief Services
Childcare Worldwide
Direct Relief International
International Medical Corps
Meds and Food for Kids
Partners in Health
Samaritan's Purse
Save the Children
Yele Haiti
Tsunami is on Robinson Crusoe Island - Robinson Crusoe Island get reached by the Tsunami
Is the hits of waves of Tsunami that reacheas Robinson Crusoe Island. This is an island named in this way cause of the fiction. It is the biggest of the Chilean Juan Fernandez archipelago.